Field of Science

Thank you, Amazon!

As regular readers know, I've been brushing up my CV in anticipation of some application deadlines. This mostly means trying to move papers from the in prep column to the in submission column. (I'd love to get some new stuff into the in press column, but with the glacial pace of review, that's unlikely to happen in the time frame I'm working with).

This means, unfortunately, I'm working during a beautiful Saturday morning. This would be more depressing if it weren't for the wonder that is Amazon Mechanical Turk. I ran two experiments yesterday (48 subjects each), have another one running right now, and will shortly put up a fourth. The pleasure of getting new data -- of finding things out -- is why I'm in this field. It's almost as fun as walking along the river on a beautiful Saturday morning.


How I feel about Amazon Mechanical Turk -- the psycholinguist's new best friend.

photo: Daniel*1977

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